Pure Vodka 200ml
Pure Vodka 200ml
Pure Vodka is the foundation of our spirits collection and a bar cart essential.
Forget what you think you know, this is not the spirit of your misspent youth. Distilled in tiny batches in our 100 litre still, Pure Vodka is a grain based vodka with hints of citrus and vanilla. This makes for a spirit that’s smooth, clean, and the perfect foundation for all the classic vodka cocktails - like the greyhound (pictured)
200ml, 40% ABV, approximately 6.3 standard drinks.
Shipping and Delivery Information
We ship Australia wide using Australia Post. This includes PO Boxes. Regular shipping is free for all orders. Express Post is $15 on all orders.
Should your product arrive broken or damaged, please do not consume it. Take a photograph(s) of the delivery condition and email shannon@alligatorlabs.com.au for refund or replacement.
Signature Serve
Super simple cocktail recipe goes here
Botanical Vodka
Little explainer - read more link? (page about botanical vodka)
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