Avant Garden 700ml
Avant Garden 700ml
Avant Garden is a genre-breaking spirit with a savoury botanical edge
- Apple, lilly pilly, mandarin, grapefruit, quandong; cinnamon myrtle, peppermint gum, aniseed myrtle, native thyme
- Enjoy Avant Garden with ginger and lime (Optimus Lime or real fruit juice - pictured). Or sip with soda to enjoy the herbal flavours.
Avant Garden combines Australian native fruit and botanicals with citrus and apple. Beginning with the almost bitter citrus notes, its flavour progresses through herbal botanicals and just the slightest hint of sweetness, finishing with native thyme.
Avant Garden loves ginger ale and lime, or simple syrup and a splash of soda. But it really shines in tiki cocktails and in other drinks that use aged rums. The complexity of Avant Garden is its strength, and we hope you'll create fantastical cocktails with ingredients like charred pineapple and caramelised peaches.
Avant Garden contains 'rescue' finger limes and lilly pillies, Australian grown mandarin, apple, and grapefruit, and Australian native quandong, cinnamon myrtle, peppermint gum, aniseed myrtle and native thyme.
The name is a play on 'avant garde' (experimental, ahead of its time). This recognises both the nature of our distillery (experimental) and the Indigenous knowledge of plants and botanicals (ahead of its time - by 50,000 years) which the rest of us are only just catching up on. Thank you to Mayi Harvests for the quandong used in this spirit.
700ml, 40% ABV, approximately 22 standard drinks.
Shipping and Delivery Information
We ship Australia wide using Australia Post. This includes PO Boxes. Regular shipping is free for all orders. Express Post is $15 on all orders.
Should your product arrive broken or damaged, please do not consume it. Take a photograph(s) of the delivery condition and email shannon@alligatorlabs.com.au for refund or replacement.
Signature Serve
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Botanical Vodka
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